KBH Blueface League
Weds & Fri 6pm
February & March -
Check calendar for specific dates


60 scored arrows on blueface target, 300 max score.
Your choice of 5 spot or a 40cm single spot.

$20 includes 1 practice night and 6 for recorded score. Your choice of available dates.
Additional nights are $2 each.

How it Works
One round is shot each league night.
A round has 12 ends of 5 arrows each, 4 minutes per end.
Complete 6 rounds (6 different nights of scored shooting) to be eligible for the KBH Blueface League Prize or the WSAA Mail-In Tournament.

Memberships Needed
None! No excuse to miss out! KBH or WSAA membership NOT necessary to participate.

First place: One free entry fee for a KBH based tournament
Second place: Half off entry fee for a KBH based tournament

KBH League Handicap
For the KBH Blueface League scores, a handicap is calculated and added to your score. This helps equalize the playing field between all levels of archers and all bow styles. For example, a new archer shooting bare bow and steadily making improvements over 6 weeks can outscore an experienced compound archer who is shooting variable scores. This handicap is only used for the KBH League and is not included in the WSAA mail-in score.

Optional for WSAA Members
Washington State Archery Association members who have completed 6 scored rounds can elect to send in their scores for the WSAA Blueface Mail-In Tournament. This is a state wide mail-in style tournament where verified scores from archers all over Washington are sent in and may qualify for a state record or 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, etc. Official rules for the WSAA Blueface Mail-In tournament are found here.

NOTE: You do not have to participate in the WSAA Mail-in Tournament to participate in the KBH Blueface League.